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Topological Spaces of monadic MV-algebras
Author: Revaz GrigoliaCo-authors: Antonio Di Nola
Keywords: Spectral space, Monadic algebras, Q-distributive lattices
It is constructed covariant functor from the category of monadic MV-algebra into the category of Q-distributive lattices, i. e. distributive lattices with quantifier introduced by R. Cignoli. For every monadic MV-algebra, it is constructed dual object named MQ-space which is a special subcategory of spectral spaces - Q-spaces developed by R. Cignoli for Q-distributive lattices.
Lecture files:
Subvarieties of the variety generated by perfect monadic MV-algebras [en]სრულყოფილი მონადიკური MV-ალგებრებით წარმოქმნილი მრავალსახეობის ქვემრავალსახეობები [ka]
Topological Spaces of monadic MV-algebras [en]
მონადიკური MV-ალგებრების ტოპოლოგიური სივრცეები [ka]