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Dinamics of detergent incubation time dependent changes of some functional characteristics of 115(1) y Nocardiophsis dessonvillei cells

Author: manana gordeziani
Keywords: SDS, peroxidation, exogenous protein

Incubation time dependent effect of detergents (SDS) different concentrations on 115(1) y Nocardiophsis dessonvillei viable cells amount, exogenous protein concentration and peroxidation intensity has been investigated. To develop the ways for regulation of exogenous active metabolite content in culture medium along with practical implementation of obtained data, minimal concentration of detergent and optimal incubation time has been established.

Lecture files:

Dinamics of detergent incubation time dependent changes of some functional characteristics of 115(1) y Nocardiophsis dessonvillei cells [en]
115(1) y Nocardiophsis dessonvillei-ის ფუნქციური მახასიათებლების დეტერგენტთან ინკუბაციის დროზე დამოკიდებული ცვლილებების დინამიკა [ka]

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