
affect of exogenous creatine on blood lipid spectum
Author: natalia dachanidzeCo-authors: N.Dachanidze
Keywords: stress, creatine, LDL, HDL, cholesterin
It is known that long-term social isolation and the disorder of natural circadian rhythm is considered an important stress factors, which cause a variety of metabolic and mental disorders. It should be noted that the impact of the stresses takes up a larger area, according to , review of the action of their mechanism is one of the topical issues of modern science. It is estimated that as a result of stress the metabolic processes change in the organizm, which is reflected in increased lipid peroxidation process, decreased of energy metabolism and activity of antioxidant system and the changes of activity other important systems, which affect the body's function adversely . In such circumstances, getting of some of the big amount of food adjunct in the organizm may be caused changes, which is developed as a result of stress. Creatine is considered such a food adjunct, which is widely used by those individuals who are under physical activities. Despite the positive effect of creatine for energy metabolism, it is unknown the impact of creatine on such important processes as lipid spectrum changes in blood. In the work it is studied the changes of lipid in white rat blood, which is caused by social isolation and violation of the natural circadian rhythm in the condition of psycho-emotional stress under the bachground of intaking exogenous creatine in the organizm. In the condition of stress lipid spectrum changes in experimental animals blood , the numbers of cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL- cholesterol increase in the blood. In the work, it is shown that intake of Creatine for a long time increase the numbers of total lipid, cholesterol and LDL- cholesterol in the experimental animals blood, which is a prerequisite for the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular system diseases. It should be noted that these changes are especially visible in the animals, which are in the stressful conditions for a long time