
N-Glucosides and Their Derivatives Synthesis
Author: neli sidamonidzeCo-authors: Ramaz Gakhokidze, Rusudan Vardiashvili, Maia Nutsubidze ili
Keywords: N-Glucosides, caprolactam, pyrrolidone, p-toluydines
N-Glucosides and Their Derivatives Synthesis Neli Sidamonidzea, Ramaz Gakhokidzeb, Rusudan Vardiashvilib, Maia Nutsubidzeb E-mail: Department of Chemistry, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, I.Chavchavadze av. 3 0179 Modification of carbohydrates by various types of organic compounds has recently played a significant role in the synthesis of new of biological snd pharmacologically active compounds. The application of glycosides for the modification of biologically active organic compounds, on the one hand, change their biological and physiological action, and on the other, may reduce their toxicity. The aims of present work were to synthesize and study the bactericidal actions N-glucosides. The goal of present investigation consist in synthesis of N-glucosilamines containing in a molecule nitrosogroup (N=O). Аs аn initial substance in the given work has been used the products of condensation of D-glucose from p-toluydines N-p-tolyl-β–D–glucopyranozylamine By interaction of compounds with sodium nitrite corresponding nitrosoderivatives (I) has been received. β-D-Glucopyranosylcaprolactam (II) and β-D-glucopyranosylpyrrolidone (III) were synthesized using the condensation of acetobromoglucose with ε-caprolactam and α-pyrrolidone, followed by the removal of acetyl protection. The structures of obtained compounds were established by physical-chemical methods of analysis. It was established that compounds I and II suppressed the growth of phytopathogenic microbes. While I and II also inhibited the growth of Actinomyces species. References [1] N.I.Perevodchikova, N.P.Korman, M.B.Bichkov. Problems in Oncolojy. 21, N8, (2004), p.21. [2] I.A.Rapoport. Proceeding of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Russian). 146, N6, (1992), p.1418. [3] Z.Sh. Lomtatidze and K.A.Laperashvili. Gruz.Mikrobiol. Obshchestva. 2, 93 (1992). [4] D.S. Egorov. Handbook of Microbiology [in Russian], Izd. MGU, Moscow (1976), p.245.