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Botanical diversity of Weatlands of the Javakheti upland (Lesser Caucasus)

Author: Shamil Shetekauri
Co-authors: Shamil Shetekauri, Nana Barnaveli
Keywords: Javakheti upland, Wetland vegetation, Lesser Caucasus

Wetland plant communities are widespread. In the Javakheti plateau are ca. 60 large and small lakes.Items floristical important is Tabatskuri, Paravani, Saghamo, Madatapa, Bughdasheni, Kartsakhi or Khozaphini Lakes with Eurasian, West Asian-Caucasian and European-Mediterranean species such as Carex juncella (considered as a relict species), C. wesicaria, C. distachia, C. oreophila, C. medwedewii, C. tristis, C. acutiformis, C. acuta, Calamagrostis canescens, C. neglecta, Sagittaria sagittifolia, Menianthes trifoliata, Utricularia vulgaris etc. Presence of elements of the boreal flora is noteworthy as they presumably penetrated into this area during the Quaternary glaciation through Minor Asia and Middle Asia. Tufted sedge communities are particularly noteworthy of this vegetation type in detail studied on the Javakheti plateau Carices (Carex acuta, C. disticha, C. vesicaria) are key components of the mentioned community. Other constituents are: Ranunculus lingua, Poa palustris, Calamagrostis neglecta, C. arundinacea, Comarum palustre, Bistorta carnea, Eleocharis meridionalis, Rumex acetosa, Alisma plantago-aquatica, Utricularia vulgaris, Menianthes trifoliata, Potamogeton gramineus, Elatine alsinastrum, Lemna trisulca, Myriophyllym spicatum, Equisetum fluviatile etc. It is known that these physionomically unique communities are formed in places where the water level changes seasonally.

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