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Populated Places at 2,000 M Above Sea Level

Author: salome tabatadze
Keywords: Villages, Tourism Potential

Georgia is rich with mountainous terrain. Mountains constitute 54% of the area extending from sea level to 5,068 meters. Mountainous terrain and variation of altitude across the large space resulted in a vertical zonality of populated places. With increase of the altitude in mountainous area population density rapidly decreases, because conditions for economic activities worsen. Exception in this overall picture is southern regions of Georgia where despite of significant altitudes, structural basins and plateaus are beneficial to be densely populated, though this exception doesn’t change the overall picture. Populated places located above 2,000 MASL constitute 19.3%. Basically, they are located on Javakheti Plateau, Paravani Lake and Samsari Range, southern slopes of Caucasus Range, Mestia Municipality as well as Kazbegi, Java, Akhmeta, Gori, and Dusheti Municipalities. Above 2,000 MASL is located also Zeda Tkhilvana village of Khulo Municipality. Nowadays, in these villages population has decreased, or they are completely deserted, while all of them have a great touristic potential. Attention should be given to the villages which are not included in protected areas. Especially villages of Javakheti Plateau, where almost no Georgian population is left, are disregarded, though they have a great touristic potential. Among these villages should be mentioned Tabatskuri, Gandzani, Gorelovka, etc. These villages need to be studied and touristic routes designed, so as to use their potential.

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დასახლებული პუნქტები ზღ. დონიდან 2000 მ სიმაღლეზე [ka]
Populated Places at 2,000 M Above Sea Level [en]

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